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         Happy can be defined in many ways depending on who is defining it. The film, Happy, takes us on a journey around the world to see what actually makes people happy. Roko Belic, director of the film, travels to many countries around the world searching for the true definition of happiness. Through a series of interviews and story telling by those interviewed and shown in the film, we are shown what true happiness can look like.  

        For some, eating food in the backyard of their home in Louisiana makes them happy. For others, it is just being together and having a sense of community that makes them happy. In Japan, they look at happiness as doing what they can in their life time and working as much as they can. For one man, his job is a rickshaw driver. Although he walks in rough conditions, he is grateful and is happy with his life and his family. When it rains, he is even more happier. No matter the condition of the day, he is proud to provide for his family and nothing can make him more happy.

        As I was watching the film a lot came to my mind. It was really interesting to see how different people view happiness. To me, working like the Japanese do, wouldn't make me happy. But that is their lifestyle and how they live and go about their each and every day. For me, being happy is a state of mind. it can go and come depending on the type of situation you are in. Things happen that aren't so great. What you take out of it is what matters. some situations I find myself in are not the best, but when I do something abou them, I become better and happier for doing what I thought was best for myself and my well-being. 

       For Americans, it can be different. Some of us might look at these people and their situations and feel sorry for them and are thankful that we aren't in those places. We focus on the material and what we can touch as being happy in America. if we were to change our focus to how the people in the film perceive happiness, we would all be a lot better and feel better about ourselves and others around us. 

        Happiness is something that is universal. one thing can make someone feel in the dumps, but to another it can make them feel as if they are on top of the world. Being happy is different from person to person and the experiences they go throughout their life. Happiness can be loving someone, having a relationship, going to work, succeeding in your career or profession, having a family, and so much more. Happiness is driven by the person it is effecting. Happiness is defined as a state of well-being. No matter your circumstance or situation, find the happiness in it and let it move you to do great things.

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