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Alyson was in love. Whenever she was with him her world stood still. When she was down, he knew exactly what to say to make her happy bring back that smile. She wasn’t looking for love when they met. She just wanted someone to be with and to say she had a boyfriend. Talking to him and leading up to their first date, she ended up liking him and seeing herself dating him. After meeting him and spending all summer with him she changed her mind. She had fallen in love with him. Everything they did together made her happy. No matter if it was laying in bed watching Netflix, sitting in a tree waiting for deer or going to the mall to walk around, she was happy. She wakes up with a smile on her face and goes to bed thinking of the love she has for him. She loved him. She couldn’t see herself with anyone else but him. He helped her through a lot and she couldn’t thank him enough for it. He understood her and knew what to do in every situation. She was forever grateful for him and thanked God everyday for putting him in her life. Her love for him was something she had never felt before. It was a new feeling but she liked it.  


 Robbie was in love. She made him the happiest guy in the world. Nobody could compare to the love he had for her. Her smile lights up his world and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. He wakes up and goes to bed thinking of her and how much he cares for her. He can spend every minute with her and he would still feel the same way he did when they first met. When they first met, his heart stopped. She was the most beautiful girl in the world. Nobody compared to her. She was on top of his world and he loved her. She made him happy and the luckiest guy in the world to be his girl. He knew what to do when she was upset, sad, or just her normal happy self. He understood her and knew how to comfort her in times of need. He knew how to calm her down when she had anxiety or just needed to be held in someone’s arms. He cared deeply for her and didn’t want to see her hurt. He is thankful for her and the love she has for him. He couldn’t see it before because nobody has loved him like this before. His love for her was something he had never felt for anyone before.


They were in love. Neither of them had liked someone who was so different from them. Opposites attract. She likes shopping and getting her nails done, while he goes mudding and hunts for deer. They started spending every minute they could together. Without each other, they couldn’t do anything. The support and love they had for each other kept them going. Of course they argue and disagree like every couple does but they still love each other and they know the other loves them back. They come back stronger than they were before. No matter what they argue about, they come back together and get past it. Being together makes them happy. If they spend more time apart than they are used to, both are in misery. For they love each other and couldn’t imagine being apart or with anyone else. This feeling was new and something neither of them had experienced for anyone else but each other. They knew that they had met the one. They had found their one true love and person they would spend the rest of their life with. Every night they say, “I love you forever and always.” Never missing a night to say it. Tomorrow is not promised and they know that. So they never miss a chance to show their love for one another.

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